
James White

The Sales Growth Expert

The Sales and Business Development newsletter that is targeted at Ambitious Business Owners who sell high value services and who want to drive Sales Growth. I share EVERYTHING you require to LEARN buyer behaviours, ATTRACT more clients and GROW your business in less than 4 minutes per week. Current subscribers gain ideas and insights to save time and implement practical tips to grow their business. Why not join them?

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Get inside your buyers mind - Show me the evidence!

Good morning Reader If a buyer doesn’t feel sure (or assured) that the service they are purchasing will work or achieve what they want, they say no. Or they will say ‘I will have a think about it’ which is the equivalent of saying no but just on a temporary basis. How do you overcome this? It is all about belief. You have to make the prospect BELIEVE that you can make their world a better place and bring to life the dreams you promise in the sale. Let me use an example that I often use when I...

4 days ago • 2 min read

Good morning Reader I've recently been thinking a lot about one of the biggest problems that so many small business owners and salespeople have, and that is a lack of confidence in their own history and story. Too often I meet with people who tell me that they haven’t achieved much or they don’t have a history that positions them for success. One of the first actions I take with new people I work with is to get them to focus on their own history and what they have achieved. I am always...

11 days ago • 2 min read

Good morning Reader Our job when we are selling anything is simple. Get inside their head. What are they thinking? What do they think and feel to [XX]? To get inside the buyer's mind, we must think like them. We have to get outside of our own shoes and our preconceived ideas. We need to be different. We need to think differently. The starting point of sales is RISK. Intrigued by what my Premium Email offers? Click here to find out more Let me be VERY VERY CLEAR about the reason why your buyer...

18 days ago • 1 min read

Good morning Reader There are only 2 reasons why a buyer will buy something. As sellers, the sooner we understand this the better. But buyers will not make it easy for us. They put up barriers. They protect themselves from ‘nasty’ salespeople who they think (wrongly I know but so many salespeople sell badly) will take advantage of them. Our job is to bring the barriers down... to unpeel the layers of the onion and get the prospect to open up about their real reason for wanting to buy. And...

25 days ago • 2 min read

Morning Reader, When it’s time to make a decision (if they do that is!) the buyer will decide based upon a series of factors. Factors that have evolved during the course of their interactions with you. And their decision ultimately is a simple one. Did you do enough good things over the course of the time you were working with them to make them think, "Yes, I like this person, their company, and what they are selling"? In simple terms, did you build up enough ‘Credits’ to overweigh the...

about 1 month ago • 4 min read

Good morning Reader, My premium email service launched today. If you are intrigued by what I sent to those who have signed up, send me a reply and I will send you this week's email as a sample. I was speaking with a contact of mine last week who is in the sports business and who represents a couple of key professional sportspeople. He tries to find them sponsorship and also looks to broker deals with advertisers for other organisations. He was pretty downbeat when I spoke to him as a deal he...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Imagine having all of your sales questions answered and being able to ask someone for help on any difficult sales issue you have. What difference would that make to you and your sales numbers? Join my premium email for only £10 a month a find out. Hello Reader, Wishing you a good few days of holiday with family and friends. We are ¼ of the way through 2024. Are you on track to achieve what you want to? If not what is going to have to change to make that happen? What is your FTM? Buyers Love...

about 2 months ago • 4 min read

Good morning Reader, Things are changing. On April 6th, I will be launching a new Premium email service. Brand new sales and buyer-related content each week plus a monthly live Q and A to ask any sales question you like. Interested or just intrigued? Find out more >> Interested or just intrigued? Find out more >> Onto the good stuff… Picture this. You are busy working late one evening and a message pops up from a business colleague you get on well with. You pause Netflix and take a look. "Hey...

about 2 months ago • 5 min read

Things are changing in 2 weeks time. Want to be part of the change? Click here to see what's happening! Hello Reader, Many can’t fight the urge. They don’t mean to do it, but just they can’t resist. They often don’t even realise the impact it has had on other people. Especially potential buyers of their solution. But others spot it and when the person involved leaves the room or conversation, you can spot the sighs of relief from others. Potential buyers make a mental note to themselves of...

about 2 months ago • 6 min read

On April 6th I will be launching my Premium Email. Click here to find out WHY others are investing in it. Hello Reader, Around 8 years ago I met my good friend Alexander Seery for the first time. He came down to my old office in Somerset and we talked about his business and what he wanted to achieve. I remember Alex vividly describing his FTM (I won’t share the details as this email gets sent at breakfast time and I don’t want to put you off your porridge 😀). Alex used to be a custody officer...

2 months ago • 3 min read
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