Why Selling on Social Media Sucks

Hello Reader,

Winning business in the modern world is achieved by many different methods.

The best and most common method that business owners love is word of mouth and referrals.

I agree totally.

It is so incredibly powerful to have someone you know bring you into a conversation due to previous work you have done.

I won’t deny that much of my new business comes from this source.

I closed a deal in July for £27,000 and a deal in August for £35,910 as a result of being referred in by someone I know. Reply back with a ‘How did you get these deals over the line James?’ and I will tell you!

But I have also learned that just relying on referrals and word of mouth can leave you hoping rather than controlling the number you achieve.

I never want to put my own destiny in someone else’s hands.

Achieving sales numbers and winning sales deals is all about being in control, which means we also have to bring our own leads in.

Which also means we have (as I shared in an email a few weeks ago) 2 options...

  1. We have to go out and find new business, or
  2. Do things to bring new prospects to us - which means reaching out to our marketplace and trying to make them aware of what we do.

In the last few years, social media has become the easy and go-to place in which people try and find new leads.

It’s free to use and it can only take a few moments to put a post out. Many Business Owners see it as a great way to find new leads, and it is, when it is done well.

Unfortunately many companies and sales people get it badly wrong.

Very badly wrong.

What is it they are doing wrong and how should you engage on social media?

Here are the main 4 things that I see salespeople and companies get wrong on social media.

1. Infrequent Posting

I was speaking to a business owner at an event 3 weeks ago who said to me, "We put out a post twice a month and so we are visible on social media". I had to stop myself from laughing.

Twice a month? That is simply not enough! And that’s not my view but the view from a LinkedIn Expert Louise Brogan who I interviewed for my podcast recently.

In this interview, you will hear that she comments that you just won’t get noticed enough with this sort of frequency. Unless that is, the post you share has hooks and is incredibly valuable to the target audience that you have.

Be consistent in what you share and do it on a regular basis. If you follow me on LinkedIn you will see that I generally look to post 4 to 5 times a week. Each week. I don’t miss a week as I know that social engagement is about consistency as much as it is about quality.

2. Sharing but not Engaging

So many people want to share their information but don’t make the time to engage with others.

Put bluntly, they are selfish with the way they operate on socials. They expect others to like and comment on posts but won’t/don’t make the time to do the same themselves.

Make time each day (put a diary slot in for 15 minutes a day - it’s not hard!) and comment on the posts from connections you have and also on those you want to connect with.

Ask questions, make positive (or constructive) comments and give yourself mini targets to say comment on 5 posts a day. Do this consistently (each week as with the posting) and see how the social media channels start to reward you back.

3. Pushing Services Consistently

I lose count of the number of people who will finish each one of their social posts with a ‘Contact us on xxx if you would like us to give you a quote’ or something similar.

Each post they share is all about what they offer and do and which asks others to make contact to buy.

Doing this all of the time doesn’t work. People get bored of seeing this and unless you have some form of unique offering people will ignore you more than they engage with you.

Sure, ask people to message you if they would like a resource or guide and sure post 1 in every 15 times a call to action but don’t do it on every post. Social media isn't about selling, it's about sharing ideas and opening up conversations.

4. Trying to sell too soon with messages

Oh the LinkedIn (or any other form of social sell). You can see it a mile off.

So many people look to get a connection request and then go BANG in with a message to ask someone for a meeting. Or worse still to share how great their company is.

Many of these messages are done automatically or done via agencies that think ‘if I throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick’. This approach hurts your brand and reputation.

Sure reach out and ask questions, sure try and build a conversation, sure offer to share a RELEVANT resource or guide but if you are selling from the get-go on socials then stop. It will appeal to maybe 2 in 100 people but most people will think ‘What an arse’ and ignore the message or worse still disconnect you.

See social media as if you were in a face-to-face networking room, or better still, dating someone. Would you ask someone to marry you 2 minutes after meeting them?

The answer is likely to be no, and so why so many people try and sell straight away I don’t know. Take your time. Build the relationship. Make the other person curious about you. Results will happen in time if you keep focusing on THEM and keep sharing insights that are RELEVANT to them.

So yes, I understand totally that you want to drive new leads and meet new people. I also understand that Social Media is a very cost-effective way to engage.

But selling on social media sucks. It's called Social Media for a reason.

Be social, be valuable, be helpful, be engaging and be consistent and IN TIME you will get your rewards.

As with most elements of selling, the work we do today is not going to impact our business tomorrow or the week after. But if we do good work over a period of time, you will build your brand and you will make people aware of what you do.

That will lead to conversations which can then lead to sales.

Wishing you a brilliant week ahead.

Until next Saturday, keep smiling and stay focused on becoming a fly on the wall of the brain of your buyer.


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James White

The Sales and Business Development newsletter that is targeted at Ambitious Business Owners who sell high value services and who want to drive Sales Growth. I share EVERYTHING you require to LEARN buyer behaviours, ATTRACT more clients and GROW your business in less than 4 minutes per week. Current subscribers gain ideas and insights to save time and implement practical tips to grow their business. Why not join them?

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