Lessons learnt (My best books for 2024)

Hello Reader,

I hope you had an amazing Christmas, and wishing you well for the new year that’s imminently upon us.

Now, I always have and always will be a massive fan of reading. The knowledge you can gain from a properly good book is simply brilliant.

As we close out 2024, I wanted to share some of the most impactful books I read this year and the lessons I took from each one.

Now, apart from these books being packed with insights that helped me shape how I approach business, mindset, and growth…

They’re also really enjoyable to read.

So here’s the list, plus my key takeaway from each:

The 5am Club by Robin Sharma

My Key Takeaway: Take control of your mornings, and you’ll take control of your life. This book reinforced the power of morning routines to achieve clarity, focus, and results. The story’s narrative style made these lessons stick, inspiring me to refine my own habits – and I did.

$100M Leads by Alex Hormozi

My Key Takeaway: High-quality lead generation isn’t just an art; it’s a science. Alex Hormozi shares practical, high-value strategies for driving leads and scaling businesses. It’s a must-read for anyone serious about growth. Whether you’re reading or listening, it’s packed with actionable insights.

What Your Customer Wants and Can’t Tell You by Melina Palmer

My Key Takeaway: Behavioural economics is the hidden secret to better conversations and outcomes. Melina’s explanation of how our brains make decisions was a game-changer. Learning to frame discussions the right way is something we can all benefit from – in sales, leadership, and life.

Cold Calling Sucks… But That’s How It Works by Armand Farrokh and Nick Cegelski

My Key Takeaway: Cold calling isn’t dead; it’s just misunderstood. This book validated what we know at Growth Resourcing (a calling business I have down in South Africa): a well-executed, targeted approach to outreach works. It’s not only about volume; it’s about quality and relevance.

Never Finished by David Goggins

My Key Takeaway: The journey to success is endless; keep pushing. David’s lessons on mental resilience hit home. Growth – whether physical, mental, or professional – requires consistent effort. It’s a mindset I aim to carry into every challenge.

These books taught me so much this year, and I hope they inspire you as well. Oh, and if you’ve read any of these or have a recommendation for 2025, hit reply and let me know. Here’s to growing stronger, smarter, and more resilient together in the year ahead!


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James White

The Sales and Business Development newsletter that is targeted at Ambitious Business Owners who sell high value services and who want to drive Sales Growth. I share EVERYTHING you require to LEARN buyer behaviours, ATTRACT more clients and GROW your business in less than 4 minutes per week. Current subscribers gain ideas and insights to save time and implement practical tips to grow their business. Why not join them?

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