I will have a think about it…

Hello Reader,

The second week of Sales Questions. Last week we covered how to price for a project (the link is here) and this week it's an answer to a very common question.

It came in from Paul.

"James, I have met with a potential client two times over a 4-week period and at the end of the second meeting, they asked me to provide a proposal to them. I took your advice and arranged a follow-up call to share the proposal with them.
They didn’t say much in the meeting but when I asked what their thoughts were, they said to me, "Leave it with me and I will have a think about it".
I wasn’t sure what to do at that point and so I said no problems and it's been a week since the meeting. What should I do now and what should I have done?

I am sure many of you have been in this situation, both when you are trying to sell something to someone and also when you are a buyer!

So what should you do when this happens and more importantly WHY does it happen?

Let me cut straight to the chase on this.

When a buyer says this to you, in reality, it means one of the following things.

  • They aren’t yet convinced about the solution you have put forward.
  • They aren’t yet convinced that the price you are charging is worth the money.
  • They haven’t seen enough evidence that what you are selling will solve their issue.
  • They have something else which is worrying them that they haven’t told you about.

There could be other reasons (such as them needing to speak with someone about the project).

But if you have downloaded my 52 questions to ask guide then you will have already covered the ‘Authority’ part of the deal though and so you know what the decision process looks like.

Which means that something else is bothering them. There is something else going on in their brain.

I always say our job when we are selling is to be a fly on the wall in the brain of the other person. If you could be in their head right after you have shared your proposal with them, what would they be thinking?

In the film What Women Want with Mel Gibson, he gains (for just a few weeks) the ability to read the minds of Women and if you watch to the end of the clip below, you will see that he knows he’s won the business just after presenting!

video preview

This is the talent we all should want in sales and it's what I am always striving for within my sales conversations.

  • What is the other person thinking right now?
  • What is going on in their mind?
  • What is making them think this way?
  • What is stopping them from saying yes?

There are some people who do take time to make a decision.

Blue and Green people generally tend to be in this category and so my first advice is always to deal with this situation uniquely, and not with a one-size-fits-all approach.

>>> Not sure what this means? Watch this video and find out​ <<

What is the other person’s normal body language when you have met them? How was it when you shared the proposal? Did it change?

The reason this is important is because if they are quiet and reserved by nature, you need to be careful about trying to push them too far through a response. People like this DO need some time to think things over. The key is to give them a bit of space but also clarify what they are thinking. Using phrases such as the one below works.

When delivered in the right way, this phrase shows that you respect their time but also shows them that they can’t deliberate forever. Using the ‘I am comfortable with whatever you decide to do’ also gives them an exit which ironically enough will help bring them closer to you.

If they don’t want to speak with you at this time or they cancel when you do book in the meeting then it means you have got a further problem. Which is where approach number 2 can then help.


If the person you are speaking with is more fast-paced (which Red’s and Yellows tend to be) then in reality you have to deal with the issue in hand.

They have asked to think about it as something just doesn’t feel right for them.

Which is that they aren’t convinced about the solution or don't think it's worth the money.

When this happens, you have a few ways to approach it but I generally use a phrase like this. Once again, my focus is on trying to get inside the mind of the other person.

By using phrases like this and by the way it ALWAYS has to be delivered in a reverent and low-key tone. You should be able to put the prospect at ease and make them realise you aren’t being pushy but you just want to get their honest thoughts.

If you have delivered this in the right way, the response you should get back will be ‘It’s more than I expected it to be or I am not sure it will deliver for us’ which then allows you to deal with the issue at hand.

Very often, ‘I will think about it’ is a smokescreen for a different issue that you haven’t yet addressed and so just leaving the prospect to it can turn them cold and make them even forget you.

The more time they have to think about it, the less likelihood they will give you the go-ahead.

So deal with the issue.

Address the problem.

Find out what they are REALLY THINKING.

Many people who sell don't like to ask these questions. They feel it will make them look pushy or sleazy but the goal here is to save ourselves time and emotion.

There is nothing worse than doing a lot of work and getting nothing in return.

So practice handling the situation, know what to say and have the courage to use the right approach when you need to. Deal with this in the right way and you will put yourself in the best position to handle the objection and come out the other side!

I created a video about this very subject which also shares some other ideas and phrases for you to use when confronted with this challenge!

video preview

I hope you found the answer useful Paul.

What sales question do you have that you want me to cover in next week’s email?

Reply back and let me know.

Wishing you all a brilliant week ahead.

Until next Saturday, keep smiling and stay focused on becoming a fly on the wall of the brain of your buyer.


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James White

The Sales and Business Development newsletter that is targeted at Ambitious Business Owners who sell high value services and who want to drive Sales Growth. I share EVERYTHING you require to LEARN buyer behaviours, ATTRACT more clients and GROW your business in less than 4 minutes per week. Current subscribers gain ideas and insights to save time and implement practical tips to grow their business. Why not join them?

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