
James White

Get inside your buyers mind - understanding RISK

Published 18 days ago • 1 min read

Good morning Reader

Our job when we are selling anything is simple.

Get inside their head.

What are they thinking?

What do they think and feel to [XX]?

To get inside the buyer's mind, we must think like them.

We have to get outside of our own shoes and our preconceived ideas.

We need to be different.

We need to think differently.

The starting point of sales is RISK.

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Let me be VERY VERY CLEAR about the reason why your buyer is not buying your product or service right now.

  • They don’t think it will work.
  • They don’t believe what you are saying.
  • They think there are too many RISKS.

We ignore this at our peril.

We have to think like our prospective buyer.

They are thinking right now:

  • ‘It may not work’
  • ‘What happens if it doesn't work as they say it will?’
  • ‘I can’t spend that amount of money on the hope it will be ok’

There are a myriad of thoughts going through your buyer's mind when you talk to them about what you do. The higher the price of the service, the more they have to think about it.

At the end of it all is a simple series of thoughts:

  • Will, what the person is selling to me, do as they say it will?
  • Will it work?
  • Will it achieve all of the things they say it will?

If they think that it's BS, they will say "no" or" give me time to think about it". This is simply an excuse for "I’m not sure" which deep down means "I’m not ready to buy".

Our simple goal is to get inside our buyer's mind. Become a fly on the wall in their mind. Get so close to them that we know what they are thinking.

When we do that, selling becomes simple.

We all worry about things that might or might not happen. It's all to do with risk.

De-risk what you sell to your buyer. Make them feel comfortable about what you do and what you offer. Make them feel 100000000% sure about what you do and how you do it, that there is no risk to their decision.

Do that and the orders will flow in……

Until next Saturday, stay focused on becoming a fly on the wall on the brain of your buyer.


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James White

The Sales Growth Expert

The Sales and Business Development newsletter that is targeted at Ambitious Business Owners who sell high value services and who want to drive Sales Growth. I share EVERYTHING you require to LEARN buyer behaviours, ATTRACT more clients and GROW your business in less than 4 minutes per week. Current subscribers gain ideas and insights to save time and implement practical tips to grow their business. Why not join them?

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