Hello Reader, Wishing you a good few days of holiday with family and friends. We are ¼ of the way through 2024. Are you on track to achieve what you want to? If not what is going to have to change to make that happen? What is your FTM? Buyers Love Consistency. The best way to build credibility and trust with potential buyers is to do what you say you will. I have a friend who's a sales guy for a company that sells farming and agricultural products. His job is to go and meet with farmers and try and sell products to them. His company gave him a new set of farms to engage with on his patch, and the previous salesperson had set up a routine to go and see each farm on a set day each month. Farm A was on the last Monday of each month. Farm B was on the 3rd Thursday of each month. An old-school method, but you get the picture. He turned up on the second Tuesday morning of the month at a farm and before he got out of his car, the farmer greeted him. He got out of the car, said his name and who he worked for (he didn't use the pitch in last week’s email 🙂) and before he had the chance to say anything else the farmer shouted: My friend tried to find out more but he was given the hand and the same answer. "I don’t work with your company." Disappointed, he went to get back in his car. Before he got in he said, "I am sorry to hear that, I am not sure what we have done but I want to change that. I will be back here in a month to see how you are." "Don’t bother, we don’t work with your company" was all he got back. A month later, he turned up at the same farm. This time, the Farmer looked a bit angry. "Didn’t you hear me last time? I said I don’t work with your company, so get in your car and get off my land." Stuart stood his ground and said: "I am not here to annoy you Mr x, I just wanted to find out more about your farm and see what I can do to repair the damage someone else has obviously caused. You did tell me to go away but I also told you that I would be back in a month. I am a man of my word”. He politely wished the farmer a pleasant month ahead, got back in his car and drove off. 2 months passed with the same situation. Each time Stuart would turn up on the morning of the second Tuesday of each month and each time he would be met with the same response from the farmer. "Go away I told you that I don't work with your company." Many would have given up at that point but Stuart understood that until he could find out what the issue was, all he could do was to keep trying. He remained professional, polite and persistent. The following month Stuart drove into the farm hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Before he turned off the engine, he saw the farmer walking towards him. Stuart checked his stock, threw in a couple of bonus items as a thank you and pulled in a favour with his depot to ensure the items the farmer wanted would be delivered at the end of the day. 2 years on and the farmer is one of his best and most loyal customers. They now chat about everything and do each other favours. What a change from 2 years before! When he asked the farmer what made him give him a chance, he was told it was because he built trust by continuing to turn up every month when he said he would. By saying he would be back and then turning up, it built TRUST in the mind of the farmer. The moral of this story? Build trust with your prospects by continuing to do what you say you will. It works. Even when they don’t want to engage with you. It's not words that build trust but actions!
Words are easy. You are what you do, not just what you say you will do. Buyers love consistency. Wishing you a successful week ahead, Happy Easter and see you next Saturday. Until then, stay focused on becoming a fly on the wall on the brain of your buyer. James P.s. - Love these emails? Why not buy me a coffee to say thanks. How would you rate this edition? 🤏🏻 So-So |
The Sales and Business Development newsletter that is targeted at Ambitious Business Owners who sell high value services and who want to drive Sales Growth. I share EVERYTHING you require to LEARN buyer behaviours, ATTRACT more clients and GROW your business in less than 4 minutes per week. Current subscribers gain ideas and insights to save time and implement practical tips to grow their business. Why not join them?
Hello Reader, We’ve made it! We’re now in the final week of the 7 Figure Sales Programme, and this lesson is your bonus step… your next level. Now, before we continue, I just want to drive home how important this is. Remember that this is some of the most valuable information on sales you could ever receive. As I mentioned in lesson one, this is what I use when I coach, train and mentor sales representatives at massive companies. It’s also what I use to coach my own sales representatives at...
Hello Reader, We’re now on week 6, and we’re over 85% of the way through with the 7 Figure Sales Programme! Next week will be the final lesson, a bonus on top of these first 6. But for now, we dive into this week’s lesson, Step F, where you graduate to the “master of deals” level. Step F is all about closing the deal. And so far, you’ve learnt how to build a foundation, you’re able to think better, you’re calculated with finding what you need to, you’re brilliant at understanding, and you’ve...
Hello Reader, Welcome to week 5. We’re now over 70% through the 7 Figure Sales Programme.So far, we’ve built the foundation, mastered the mindset, found the right prospects, and understood their needs. Now, it’s time for Step E, where you learn to perfect your art – the art of selling. So, “Step E” is all about selling, where all the groundwork pays off and the action happens! Now, many people think that selling is about having the perfect script, the most persuasive pitch, or the ability to...